Heavy Duty Line
Essential Line - Daters & Plains
50% Metal. 50% Plastic.
100% Value.
30% lower prices than competitors
Are these the perfect combination of metal and plastic that helps us create a lower priced alternative? The bottom frame is 50% metal and 50% plastic with 100% plastic top frame/handle. Essential Daters utilized the same pad as the Shiny HD and HM lines, yet are offered at a price that is approximately 30% lower. Consider the Essential line when quality is important and the price is essential.

Heavy Metal Line - Daters & Plains
Daters made with PET.
Our Heavy Metal Line is sure to please your most demanding customers. We minimized plastic and maximized metal with this new design. The majority of remaining plastic is made from recycled PET, thus selling Shiny HM daters helps reduce waste in landfills. Yes, these are Heavy Metal (HM) Daters as the name implies, but super smooth oscillations make them easy to operate. Tested for over 1,000,000 impressions, your demanding customers will never wear them out. Take comfort in knowing that the HM Daters are Eco-friendly as well.

Heavy Duty - Daters & Numbers
Special Order Only
Allow 5 to 7 days for delivery
*Special assembly not available
These Heavy Duty steel framed self-inkers are built for industrial applications. Units are available with A-M, N-Z or date bands in any position… call for details. Note that we are showing you our standard layout that depicts all the symbols available. We can arrange them in any sequence to meet your requirements.